Darren Smurthwaite
Born in Sunderland in 1971. Raised in Fence Houses. "Educated" at Sancroft Secondary School from
1982 - 1987. Since living in various locations around Tyneside. Known as Hammy, Flump and Das.
Darren Smurthwaite's Facebook Page
Origin of the name Darren Smurthwaite
Darren - He Who Upholds The Good
Smur - Light rain
Thwaite - Small clearing
Below is an interesting take on the Smurthwaite surname by a fellow Smurthwaite.
I personally like the word "cunt" as I have expounded at length on this blog before, but it gave me an excuse to look up the etymology of "twat" and I am delighted to report that it derives from the Old English from the Northern English from the Viking "thwaite" meaning a small clearing in a forrest (rather picturesque I think you'll agree). "Thwaite" of course is the second half of my viking surname, the first half being "Smur", which means light rain (still used here in Scotland in some places) so I now have the joy of translating my surname as "rainy cunt" or even maybe "wet cunt"!
Kate Smurthwaite
Thanks Kate. I personally also champion the word "cunt". Do you think it's genetic?
on reflection, taking my first name with Kate's insight I suppose you could say I'm "Keeping good, wet cunts". A possible family business of the past?
Darren Smurthwaite
Darren Smurthwaite
Darren Smurthwaite
Darren Smurthwaite
Darren Smurthwaite
Darren Smurthwaite
Darren Smurthwaite
Darren Smurthwaite
Darren Smurthwaite
Darren Smurthwaite
Darren Smurthwaite
Darren Smurthwaite
Darren Smurthwaite
Darren Smurthwaite
Darren Smurthwaite
Darren Smurthwaite
Darren Smurthwaite
Darren Smurthwaite
Darren Smurthwaite
Darren Smurthwaite